Aussiespeed Evil Stick Slant 6 valiant cam.Part number AS0465-2 Part number AS0465-2, 218/226 .430″.430″112 L/C – RPM range 2000 – 5000 Performance street cam, dual pattern will suit modified engine with long or short runner 4 barrel or supercharged slant 6 up to around 8+ pounds of boost. Will need improved exhaust headers, will need valve spring upgrade, may need hi stall convertor if Auto.
Intake duration @ 50 thou 218
Exhaust duration @ 50 thou 226
Intake lift .430″.
Exhaust lift 430″
112 L/C.
The Aussiespeed Evil Cam and Valve train range may cost a little more but our grinds are exclusive and the raw materials we use and additional attention that our products receive simply cost that bit more.
Package includes
1x camshaft,
12 radius solid lifters,
Set of 12 Valve springs.
Installed height 1.680,
installed pressure 115 psi,
295psi @ 500thou